Labour’s Dance: Discovering Your Rhythm During Childbirth

Welcome party people!

Are you ready for the ultimate virtual dance workout class? I can’t hear you!! That’s right honeys, it’s birthing time!!

But before you start to envision your labour and birth as this chaotic dance masterclass that you didn’t quite sign up for, let’s talk about the sensational modes, methods and dare I say techniques, you can have at your disposal during labour and the benefits they bring to the “birthfloor”.

The Upright Boogie
For the wallflowers and one-two steppers, imagine this: you’re rocking it out like the boss you are, standing or swaying, embracing the power of gravity and the fullness of these surges. Upright positions really help your baby shimmy down the birth canal a bit more easily. Gravity is a true master of boogie. Embrace this where possible.

The Squat Squad
Now it’s time to get low, low, low, low! Squatting widens your pelvic opening, making it easier for your little one to make their grand entrance. It’s like doing a squat at the gym, except the weight you’re lifting is your bundle of joy.

The Hands-and-Knees Hustle
Don’t be afraid to get on all fours – don’t save these moments for the yoga mat alone! This move can relieve back pain and encourage your baby to give us a spin into the ideal position. You might feel like a graceful gazelle or a majestic mountain goat – either way, you’re nailing it! Make these moments as comfy as possible (I’m looking at you birth partners!). Get familiar with the room and place some cushions, towels, mats down where possible. Encourage lovely little breaks off the knees.


The Birthing Ball Bash
Grab your birthing ball and get ready to bounce! This fun exercise not only provides comfort, but also helps open up your pelvis and soothes that aching back. Only the most rewarding workout session you’ve had!

The Lunging Legend
Time to channel your inner warrior. Lunges and squats can help to maintain flexibility in your hips and encourage baby to descend and support baby being in optimal position for birth. Lunges? In labour? Yes! Make your fitness trainer, gym buddy, or most importantly, your damn self, proud!

The Partner Massage Party
Invite your birth partner to the party! Their touch and counter-pressure can make your labour experience much more enjoyable. Think of this as the down time, the moment to relieve and relax your hardworking muscles.

The Zen Zone Visualisation
Visualisation techniques and relaxation exercises help you to keep a calming, centred and focussed approach to labour and birth. Close your eyes and imagine, truly visualise yourself in your happy place. Try using all your senses too. What might that place smell like? What might be at your fingertips to feel at this time? Is there a refreshing breeze? Does the warmth of the sun spread across your back? What can you hear? Picture your baby’s arrival like the grand finale of your favourite show – you’re the lead and this is your moment!


The Water Wonderland
Why not take a dip in the birthing pool or tub? The buoyancy can reduce the sensation of gravity, providing a soothing, weightless environment. Speak to your health professionals about water adventure possibilities.


Five, six, seven, eight….

There you have it, the “birthfloor” is all yours.

Remember that the best position, is the one that feels right for you. It is your unique journey, and these positions and techniques are your dance moves to welcome your little one into the world. If you can’t find the rhythm, I’m sure you’ll find the rhyme! Add music; groove, dance sway and shimmy your way into an epic birth story.


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